Table of Contents

Information about this Developer Guide


This developer guide aims to provide information regarding design and implementation of Academy Directory. To do this effectively, the following details can be found:

  • Design considerations of certain features
  • Implementation details of certain features
  • Possible future extensions

Target Audience

The current version of Academy Directory is specifically designed for CS1101S Avengers. Therefore, the main Target Audience of this developer guide are Java developers who are or formerly were CS1101S Avengers. As such, the following assumptions are made regarding the Target Audience:

  • Is familiar with the common terms relating to Computer Science
  • Is familiar with CS1101S module structure and teaching pedagogy

Technical background is assumed. We also provide the definitions for certain technical terms commonly used in this developer guide here.


Setting Up, Getting Started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.



Architecture Diagram

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

Given below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

Main has two classes called Main and MainApp. It is responsible for,

  • At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
  • At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

The rest of the App consists of four main components.

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • VersionedModel: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

On top of the above four main components, there is also an additional VersionControl which provides common API for VersionedModel and Storage to implement version control. Because of this, the VersionControl component is usually left out in the diagrams in this developer guide. For more information regarding the VersionControl component, read here.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete 1.

Architecture Sequence Diagram

The part labeled “VersionControl” occurs because delete is a version controlled command. For non-version controlled commands the sequence diagram stays largely the same; the difference is the lack of the “VersionControl” part. For a list of version controlled command, refer here.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point).

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the interface and implements its functionality using the class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside component’s being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

Component Managers

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

The API of this component is specified in

Structure of the UI Component

The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts smaller UI-part components, including CommandBox, ResultDisplay, VisualizerDisplay, StudentListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent smaller parts of the visible GUI. Of these, all components are always presented, except for the Help Window which can be shown or hidden depending on the results of user command.

The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in their respective matching .fxml files stored in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • executes user commands using the Logic component, through the MainWindow object.
  • listens for changes in VersionedModel data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference (for Main Window) or depends (for AppMenu) on the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends some classes in the VersionedModel component, particularly the Student class, as it displays Student object residing in the VersionedModel and requires grades statistics from Student object in the VersionedModel.

Some classes of the UI, notably CommandBox, StudentCard and AppMenu, keeps a reference of a functional interface called CommandExecutor that executes a Command from the Logic component. The Command Executor is first created in MainWindow and pass down to those components to execute commands. The CommandExecutor functional interface thus serves as a link between the UI and the Logic component, reducing dependency of UI on the Logic part

Structure of the UI Component

One important component of the UI is the specialized Creator class which extends the abstract class UiPart - for the purpose of reusing the VisualizerDisplay to show users the result of a command execution. After information is sent from Main Window to the Visualizer Display, the Visualizer Display then send the Additional Info Object to the Creator classes, which will be used to convert it for user view in the Visualizer Display itself.

Creator Class Diagram

Note that some details are omitted or repeated in the class diagram for better explanation of how the various components of UI work.

Design Considerations

CommandExecutor Functional Interface

  • Initial design of AB3: Keeping the CommandExecutor functional Interface inside CommandBox
    • Cons: This design initially is supposed to encapsulate the CommandBox UI object, that the command box is able to execute user’s command on behalf of the Logic component. However, the disadvantage of this design is that if there are future extensions requiring more components that can execute commands, like another input box or GUI functionalities, then another interface must be used.
  • Current design: Separate CommandExecutor from CommandBox
    • Pros: Allows other components of the UI to use the CommandExecutor interface for command execution, and better abstract out the design of Academy Directory, hence making CommandExecutor a medium of communication between the Logic and the UI component. In addition, it serves as a basis for any future extension of Academy Directory.
    • Cons: It makes the implementation of the UI segment more complicated in return.

Logic component


Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component: Logic Class Diagram

How the Logic component works:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, it uses the AcademyDirectoryParser class to parse the user command.
  2. This results in a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., AddCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  3. The command can communicate with the VersionedModel when it is executed (e.g. to add a student).
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned from Logic.

The Sequence Diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component for the execute("delete 1") API call.

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `delete 1` Command

:information_source: Note: The lifeline for DeleteCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

Parser Classes

How the parsing works:

  • When called upon to parse a user command, the AcademyDirectoryParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g., AddCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above to parse the user command and create a XYZCommand object (e.g., AddCommand) which the AcademyDirectoryParser returns back as a Command object.
  • All XYZCommandParser classes (e.g., AddCommandParser, DeleteCommandParser, …) inherit from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g, during testing.

VersionedModel component

API : Versioned Model Class Diagram

The VersionedModel component,

  • stores the academy directory data i.e., all Student objects (which are contained in a UniqueStudentList object).
  • stores the currently ‘selected’ Student objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filtered list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Student> that can be ‘observed’ e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref objects.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the VersionedModel represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components).
  • interfaces with VersionControl via the VersionControlController, which implements the Version API and thus gives the VersionedModel component the ability to interface with version control entities such as Commit.
  • stores a AddtionalViewModel that stores additional information required by the UI’s VisualizerDisplay such as number statistic for the Visualize command.

The above implementation is chosen because it makes turning off version control relatively simple; a stub VersionControlController can be used instead.

For more information regarding VersionControl, read here.

:information_source: Note: An alternative (arguably, a more OOP) model is given below. It has a Tag list in the AcademyDirectory, which Student references. This allows AcademyDirectory to only require one Tag object per unique tag, instead of each Student needing their own Tag objects.
Better Model Class Diagram

Storage component


Storage Class Diagram

The Storage component,

  • can save both academy directory data and user preference data in json format, and read them back into corresponding objects.
  • inherits from both AcademyDirectoryStorage and UserPrefStorage, which means it can be treated as either one (if only the functionality of only one is needed).
  • depends on some classes in the VersionedModel component (because the Storage component’s job is to save/retrieve objects that belong to the VersionedModel).
  • can write version control objects to disk.

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.academydirectory.commons package.

VersionControl Component

The internal version control system in Academy Directory is inspired by Git. As such, VersionControl keeps track of Academy Directory data state by using VcObject which corresponds to Git objects.

Design Considerations:

Aspect: How to save state changes

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Saves state changes to disk ala Git
    • Pros:
      • future-proof; even when Academy Directory supports adding and tracking many files e.g. profile pictures of students, code screenshots etc.
      • provides backbone for additional features e.g. regeneration of data even when data becomes corrupted, etc.
      • Undo, redo, and history operations can be implemented easily
      • Undo and redo operations can still be done even when application is closed and opened again
    • Cons: Complex implementation
  • Alternative 2: Saves state changes in memory:
    • Pros: Easy to implement
    • Cons: Lacks future-proofness of the first alternative

VersionControl Objects

Shown below is the corresponding class diagram:


Explanation of the objects shown above:

  • Tree:
    • represents a snapshot of data directory of Academy Directory. It maintains a mapping between version-controlled filenames and actual filename of tracked blobs.
    • Version controlled name is by default SHA-1 hash of the blob. However, it is possible to change this to SHA-256 or even MD5.
    • Supported hash functions are present in HashMethod
  • Commit:
    • saves information regarding the changes to Academy Directory data:
      • who makes the change
      • when was the change made
      • what change was made exactly.
    • points to a Tree which represents the snapshot of data after the change is made
    • points to a Commit object which represents the parent of the current Commit object
  • Label:
    • labels a Commit
    • relevant labels are HEAD which represents the current commit, MAIN which represents current branch, and OLD which represents the most recent branch before the current branch.

A few implementation details:

  • A VcObject does not actually hold a reference to another VcObject; rather it has a Supplier of the VcObject that it’s supposed to have a reference to. This is to defer read operations to avoid memory overhead.
  • Equality of VcObject is checked using its hash. This follows the idea that a hash is intended to be a reliable fingerprint, and the chosen hash function (SHA1) has a (very) low probability of collision.
  • All classes which extends VcObject class should have a singleton NULL private instance. This reduces headache in terms of handling edge cases e.g. root of commit tree, exception handling, etc. The NULL singleton is used to indicate failure for whatever reason, and allows the application to remain operational.
  • Class-specific implementation details:
    • Tree supports an additional method Tree#regenerateBlobs(), which regenerate the files maintained by the said Tree.
    • Commit supports a few additional methods which reflect the underlying commit tree:
      • Commit#findLca(Commit) finds the lowest common ancestor of two commits, returning Commit.emptyCommit() if no common ancestor can be found.
      • Commit#getHistory() returns all commits from given commit to the root of the commit tree.
      • Commit#getHighestAncestor() returns the commit ancestor that is the furthest away, limited by the given end Commit or by the root of the commit tree.

Design Considerations:

Aspect: Which change to track

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Tracks changes at the file level
    • Pros: Easy to implement
    • Cons: May have performance issues in terms of disk space and memory usage
  • Alternative 2: Tracks changes at the line level of the file:
    • Pros: Lower disk space requirements
    • Cons: Difficult to implement

Possible improvements in the future:

  • Explore implementing VcObject as a proper monad with the bind operator, considering the clear relationship between the different VcObject.

Interfacing with other components

Both the Storage component and VersionedModel component interfaces with VersionControl for different reasons:

  • Storage: needs to be able to write VcObjects to disk
  • VersionedModel:
    • needs to be able to read VcObjects from disk.
    • needs to be able to create new VcObjects. However, this requires computing the VcObject file representation’s hash i.e. VersionedModel needs minimum write access to disk to be able to compute hash

As such, VersionControl provides three facade classes, each representing one of the above requirements. The following class diagram shows this: VersionControlClassDiagram

The facade classes are:

  • VersionControlGeneralReader: to read VcObject from disk
  • VersionControlGeneralWriter: to write VcObject to disk
  • HashComputer: to compute hash of a file or hash of a VcObject. MUST NOT expose actual write methods as this would allow VersionedModel to write to disk, breaking abstractions.

To modify disk representation of a particular class which extends from VcObject, modify both its Reader and Writer.

Design Considerations:

Aspect: How to represent VcObject in disk

  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Custom representation
    • Pros: Smaller disk space utilisation
    • Cons: Added layer of complexity
  • Alternative 2: Standard representation e.g. JSON
    • Pros: Parsing is simple i.e. use Jackson library
    • Cons: Larger disk space utilisation

Considering that VcObjects are not very complicated, the added layer of complexity does not outweigh the benefits of smaller disk space utilisation in our opinion. Hence, we go for alternative 1.

Possible improvements in the future:

  • Make version control folder hidden from user
  • Make version control files read-only. This is best done if future iterations implement a login system
  • Use delta encoding to keep track of VcObject


This section describes some noteworthy details on all features are implemented. Note that the section only discusses the implementation details of the Command classes, and not the Parser classes, for brevity purposes. Details of Parser classes check are included within the explanation below, in combination with the Command classes.

Managing Students’ Personal Details


This command adds a new Student to AcademyDirectory.


AddCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. The AddCommand is a version controlled command. For the list of version controlled command, refer here.

AddCommand adds students to the AcademyDirectory. This command prevents addition of duplicate students by ensuring that each Student has a unique NAME. The NAME field is a sufficiently unique field to identify a unique instance of a student because AcademyDirectory is scoped to service CS1101S Avengers. In the CS110S module each Studio has at most 10 Students. Thus, the probability of a NAME collision being sufficiently minimised.

:information_source: Note: The responsibility of ensuring that Student does not have unnecessary duplicate personal detail (e.g same PHONE) is left to the Avenger.

The specifics are shown in the sequence diagram below: AddCommandSequenceDiagram


This command deletes a Student from AcademyDirectory.


DeleteCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. The DeleteCommand is a version controlled command. For the list of version controlled command, refer here.

DeleteCommand deletes Student based on the relative INDEX in the ObservableList which is the list of Student viewed by the Avenger. To do this, DeleteCommand makes a call to VersionedModel#deleteStudent().

The specifics are shown in the sequence diagram below: DeleteCommandSequenceDiagram


This command assigns tags to a Student.


TagCommand will extend the Command class and consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. The TagCommand is a version controlled command. For the list of version controlled command, refer here.

TagCommand tags a Student based on the relative INDEX in the ObservableList. The Tag is implemented with a HashSet that stores the Tag. When TagCommand is executed, the Student’s Tag attribute will be replaced by a new HashSet containing the input Tag object(s). In the event the input Tag is empty, the Student’s Tag attribute will be replaced by an empty HashSet.

The following sequence diagram describes what happens when TagCommand is executed:



This command serves to retrieve a specific PersonalDetail of students or a student.


GetCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose.

All fields of Student class which implements the PersonalDetail interface and whose prefix is present in GetCommand#SUPPORTED_PREFIX can be queried by GetCommand.

A GetCommand is initialized with a list of Prefix objects which represents the prefix of the PersonalDetail to be retrieved, and a list of String which represents the keywords that will be matched with the names of students in Academy Directory. List of Prefix cannot be empty, but list of keywords can be. An empty list of keywords is interpreted as retrieving personal details of all students in the model. If list of keywords is not empty, then the pattern-matching behavior for name in GetCommand is similar to that of the FilterCommand.

The specifics are shown in the sequence diagram below:


Because the output of GetCommand can be long, for readability reasons the result is displayed in the AdditionalView part of the UI.


This command edits a Student’s personal details such as their NAME, PHONE, TELEGRAM and EMAIL.


EditCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. The EditCommand is a version controlled command. For the list of version controlled command, refer here.

Similar to AddCommand, EditCommand supports duplicate prevention by checking that the NAME being edited is unique in the list unless the NAME is the same as the Student being edited.

:information_source: Note: The responsibility of ensuring that Student does not have unnecessary duplicate information (e.g same PHONE) is left to an Avenger.

The following sequence diagram describes what happens when EditCommand is executed:


Track Students’ Grades, Studio Attendance, and Participation


This command serves to update the Grade of various Assessment that the students will undergo in CS1101S. The assessments include RA1, Midterm, RA2, Practical Exam (PE), and Final.


GradeCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. The GradeCommand is a version controlled command. For the list of version controlled command, refer here.

The recording of grade is facilitated by adding an Assessment parameter to the Student. The Assessment is implemented with a HashMap that stores the String representation of the assessments as the keys, and the integer Grade as the values.

The following sequence diagram describes what happens when GradeCommand is executed:



This command serves to update the attendance status of students. A student’s Attendance can be either attended or unattended.


AttendanceCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. The AttendanceCommand is a version controlled command. For the list of version controlled command, refer here.

The attendance mechanism is facilitated by adding a StudioRecord parameter to the Student. This StudioRecord has an Attendance object which we can use to track and update the Attendance of the Student. Attendance implements Information and the actual storing of the attendance status is done with a boolean array.

The following sequence diagram describes what happens when AttendanceCommand is executed:


For UpdateModelAttendanceSequenceDiagram, the sequential diagrams can be found below:



This command serves to update the Participation score of students. Following the XP system for CS1101S, each student is awarded between 0 and 500 XP (inclusive) per Studio session.


ParticipationCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. The ParticipationCommand is a version controlled command. For the list of version controlled command, refer here.

The implementation is similar to AttendanceCommand, with the same sequence diagram being applicable for Participation given that the proper refactoring to Participation is done.

ParticipationCommand has an additional section in the sequence diagram located above the loop in AttendanceCommand. The purpose of the logic below is to update a student’s Attendance to be marked as present if the participationUpdate is greater than 0. This is because a student that has a positive Participation score would also count as having attended the Studio.


:information_source: Note: The logic above is to update the Attendance and is only executed in the event that participationUpdate is more than 0. Otherwise, it will not run.

Visualization Tools


This command serves to display the summarised details of a single Student in the AcademyDirectory based on the index number of the student. If the index is invalid (not a positive integer or exceeds the list size), then an error message will be shown instead and ViewCommand will not be created.



ViewCommand displays the Student based on the relative INDEX in the ObservableList which is the list of Student viewed by the Avenger. It extends the abstract class Command and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose.

Once the index and the student associated with the index is retrieved, it is set on the Additional View Model - with its associated type and info, to send to the UI for display. A success message containing the name of the student is later returned.


A noteworthy detail in implementation of ViewCommand (not related to logic) is that student grades and participation score are wrapped inside a drop-down menu on the UI, and users will need to click on the menu to see the details of the students.


This command serves to display the collated score of all students in the Academy Directory for a specific Assessment. The assessments that can be queried are: RA1, Midterm, RA2, Practical Exam (PE), and Final.


ShowCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose.

The grades are collated by iterating through all the students and extracting the score from the Assessment HashMap using the input Assessment as the key. The information is formatted into a String and displayed in the AdditionalView. The success message is parsed into CommandResult to be returned by ShowCommand.

The following sequence diagram describes what happens when ShowCommand is executed:



This command provides a Box Plot of the performance of all Student in AcademyDirectory in all Assessment.


VisualizeCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose.

The grades are collated by iterating through all the students and extracting the grades from the Assessment HashMap using the input Assessment as the key.

The information is returned as a HashMap with key being the Assessment name and value being a list containing the class’ grade in that assessment. The information will be displayed in the AdditionalView. The success message is parsed into CommandResult to be returned by VisualizeCommand.

The following sequence diagram describes what happens when VisualizeCommand is executed:


Note that this is a singular command - meaning that no other argument should follow visualize.


This command filters the ObservableList by Name or Tag.


FilterCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose.

The FilterCommand searches the AcademyDirectory for students with Name or Tag matching the keyword and displays the student list with the filtered students.

The following sequence diagram describes what happens when FilterCommand is executed:



This command sorts the AcademyDirectory student list based on their Participation, Assessment and Name. When sorting by Assessment, users have the option of sorting by individual Assessment or by the average grade among. Users can also choose if they want to sort by ascending or descending.


SortCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. The SortCommand is a version controlled command. For the list of version controlled command, refer here.

The sorting mechanism is based on the List interface as it sorts the various FilteredList instances using Comparator. Based on the attribute of the SortCommand being executed, the Comparator differs as shown by the sequential diagram below:


The reference frame for GetComparator can be found below. It details the selection process based on the attribute of the SortCommand.




This command allows user to exit the application after saving all operations and data. It extends the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve this purpose. Note that this is a singular command - meaning that no argument should follow after exit.




This command shows all students on the class, ordered by when the student is added to the Academy.


ListCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. ListCommand retrieves the student list and display it on the student list panel on the left side. All students will be displayed. Note that this is a singular command - meaning that no argument should follow after list.



This command clears all Student entries from AcademyDirectory.


ClearCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose and is Version Controllable. A new Academy Directory is created to replace the current one, meaning that the student list is set to empty. Note that this is a singular command - meaning that no argument should follow after clear.

The ClearCommand is a version controlled command. For the list of version controlled command, refer here.



This command shows the commit history. Each commit will be shown with its five character hash, author, date, and commit message. Only commands that are version controlled will result in a commit being created and thus shown by HistoryCommand. Commands which can be undone are referred to as version controlled commands (read here for details on what this means).

This command is meant for:

  • reminding users what changes were made to the underlying AcademyDirectory Data
  • revealing (five character) hash of commits that can be used with RevertCommand.


HistoryCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose.

The HistoryCommand makes use of the following set of invariance:

  • The most recent commit that belongs to the current branch is always labelled as MAIN
  • The most recent commit that belongs to the second-most-recent branch is always labelled as OLD

These guarantees are assured by the VersionedModel#commit method. Note that HEAD and MAIN need not refer to the same commit e.g. if the user reverts to a previous commit then MAIN and HEAD will refer to different commits.

Because this set of invariance are respected, thus HistoryCommand can show commit history by doing the following:

  • fetch the commits labelled as MAIN and OLD from disk (methods to do this exposed by VersionedModel)
  • find the lowest common ancestor between MAIN and OLD (Commit#findLca method used here)
  • show all commits from initial commit until the lowest common ancestor found above normally
  • show all commits from the lowest common ancestor until MAIN and OLD as per the desired formatting

The following sequence diagram shows the above implementation:


Note that the above diagram is omits several details but should be sufficient to grasp how HistoryCommand works. In addition, this is a singular command - meaning that no argument should follow after history.


The current implementation can only show two commit branches: MAIN and OLD. While this is sufficient in most cases, the ability to show arbitrary number of commit branches to give users the ability to revert to any previous commits easily without having to look for the commit’s hash manually in disk. However, due to the implementer’s inability to figure out how best to show arbitrary number of commit branches, the current HistoryCommand thus can only show two branches.


This command reverts the underlying AcademyDirectory data to a previous commit, as identified by the commit’s hash. Commands which can be undone are referred to as version controlled commands (read here for details on what this means). The following is true regarding RevertCommand:

  • If any of the following occurs which leads to a failure in parsing commit file in disk, no changes are made to the underlying disk:
    • provided hash cannot be found on disk
    • commit file with the given hash exists, but is corrupted
    • commit file with the given hash exists, but no read access is given to AcademyDirectory
    • other reasons which leads to failure in reading commit file
  • Otherwise, the AcademyDirectory storage data will be restored according to the target commit to be reverted to.


RevertCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose.

RevertCommand reverts state of AcademyDirectory data by doing the following:

  • fetch commit identified by the given hash
  • shift VersionedModel’s HEAD pointer to the commit
  • restores the academy directory data according to the tree that the fetched commit points to

The following sequence diagram shows the above implementation:


Note that the above diagram is incomplete; it is approximately accurate but is sufficient to help explain the limitation of RevertCommand, as in below.


Because RevertCommand has to restore academy directory data which is the responsibility of the Storage component, RevertCommand creates a StorageManager and uses it to load data from disk and set the current VersionedModel internal data to the newly reloaded data. This is indicated in the sequence diagram as the sudden use of Storage component directly from RevertCommand. This is (highly) not ideal, but the implementer has no idea how to do this properly i.e. without sudden creation of a new StorageManager . Right now the solution is to ensure that this newly created StorageManager is destroyed immediately to prevent access from elsewhere, and to put this limitation in this documentation to be solved one day.


This command undoes a change done to the underlying AcademyDirectory data. Note that this is different from the view of the data e.g. when the ViewCommand is used, the view visible to the user changes, but the underlying data does not change. Commands which can be undone are referred to as version controlled commands (read here for details on what this means).


UndoCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. Internally, the UndoCommand makes use of the RevertCommand. Hence UndoCommand serves as syntactic sugar for the RevertCommand. Note this is a singular command - meaning that no argument should follow after undo.


This command redoes a change done to the underlying AcademyDirectory data. Note that this is different from the view of the data e.g. when the ViewCommand is used, the view visible to the user changes, but the underlying data does not change. Commands which can be redone are referred to as version controlled commands (read here for details on what this means).


RedoCommand will extend the Command class and will consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve the aforementioned purpose. Internally, the RedoCommand makes use of the RevertCommand. Hence RedoCommand serves as syntactic sugar for the RevertCommand. Note that this is a singular command - meaning that no argument should follow redo


This command serves to guide new users on using the application, which syntax to use and when to use them. Users can view a summary of all commands’ syntax, or a specific guide on how to use a particular command. Note that if the command in queried are not exact, or if the command does not exist, then HelpMessage will not be created.

Design considerations

In implementing the Help Command, two alternative options were proposed in taking what the help message should be:

  1. To parse the help message directly from the User Guide
    • Pros: This is a more logical way to get the help message, relying on a parser that identifies the common starting section of each command on the User Guide
    • Cons: Unfortunately, in doing so, there was a bug exception FileNotFoundException, of which HelpCommand cannot take the help message directly from the User Guide because it cannot find the file. Keeping the help message on the /resources folder was a solution, but the risk of file cannot be read is still there depending on the Operating System that Academy Directory is working on. In addition, this creates the risk of the parser working incorrectly if the header section of the User Guide changes.
  2. To store a HELP_MESSAGE field in each command class
    • Pros: Does not rely on external file, and is not prone to FileNotFoundException. Also, it encapsulates the object better, with each command having an associated static field of HELP_MESSAGE inside it (except for HelpCommand itself), and could be considered a good design pattern.
    • Cons: This requires the help message to be constantly updated manually by the developer, each time the User Guide changes. In addition, the length of the help message makes the Command classes harder to read.

Ultimately, Solution 2 was adopted to reduce the risk of bugs on Help Command being vulnerable to FileNotFoundException error, and to better encapsulate the Command classes. In addition, Academy Directory will always require maintenance from the developers, and it is not a bad thing to keep the HELP_MESSAGE updated to the User Guide changes continuously.

Hence, one of the limitations to HelpCommand is the longer and harder-to-read content of String message, which can make it difficult for reviewers to look on. In addition, help can only work when the command in queried is exact, meaning that it does not work for partial instructions in case of user’s typo, like addd or partcpation. This is a valid use-case for Academy Directory in a sense that users who mistype command often need better instruction than a general help summary. A future extension could be to allow auto-suggestion and auto-assistance for help, for a more comprehensive assistance system.


HelpCommand will extend the Command class, and consequently @Override the Command#execute() method to serve its initial purposes.

The mechanism of the command is done by retrieving a HELP_MESSAGE field in each of the other command classes (other than HelpCommand itself). This help message will be displayed to the user on a separate window of the UI.


Help Command will check whether the queried help is a general help (meaning that a summary table of all command formats should be shown to users), or is a specific help (meaning that the instruction and remarks of a particular targeted command should be used).

Additionally, the help message itself is sent to VersionedModel as an AdditionalInfo object, which will be used to convert to HelpWindow view later on.


The following links to guides on: Documentation, Logging, Testing, Configuration, Dev-Ops.


Appendix A: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile:

  • has a need to manage a significant number of contacts
  • can type fast
  • prefers typing to mouse interactions
  • is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps
  • is an Avenger for CS1101S (a tutor in CS1101S is known as an Avenger)

Value proposition:

Currently, Avengers are able to utilise Source Academy as a platform to aid in their students’ learning. However, there is no proper feature that allows Avengers to maintain a nominal roll for their class, or to track their students’ performance.

Academy Directory is designed to fill that gap! It is specifically tailored to help Avengers better manage their students. The app provides ease of communication, and allows Avengers to track their students’ performance, in terms of attendance, participation and assessments.

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​
* * * CS1101S Avenger add, delete and edit student’s information update my class list
* * * CS1101S Avenger retrieve specific details of a student view and analyse the data
* * * CS1101S Avenger keep track of my students’ tutorial performance accurately reward class participation marks
* * * CS1101S Avenger record my students’ assessment results monitor my students’ progress and provide timely assistance to them
* * * First time user access the relevant commands with a “help” command learn how to use the app more easily
* * CS1101S Avenger view the personal detail of my students easily broadcast information to my students
* * CS1101S Avenger view the average scores of my students for specific assessments focus on the aspects to improve on during tutorial
* * CS1101S Avenger visualize the class scores for specific assessments gauge how well my students are doing in assessments
* * CS1101S Avenger add tags to certain students to take note of their weaker topics focus on topics that they are struggling with
* * CS1101S Avenger view all information relating to one student in one go have an overview of my student status
* * CS1101S Avenger see history of changes to Academy Directory data easily revert accidental changes to data
* * CS1101S Avenger undo changes made to Academy Directory data easily revert accidental changes to data
* * CS1101S Avenger redo changes made to Academy Directory data easily revert accidental undos to data

Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the AcademyDirectory and the Actor is the User, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: Seeking help


  1. User requests for assistance
  2. Academy Directory shows a list of all commands available
  3. User requests for help in a specific command
  4. Academy Directory shows the User Guide instructions for that command

    Use case ends


  • 3b. User requests for help in a command that does not exist
    • 3b1. Academy Directory shows an error message

      Use case resumes at step 3.

Use case: Delete a student


  1. User requests to list students
  2. Academy Directory shows a list of students
  3. User requests to delete a specific student in the list
  4. Academy Directory deletes the student

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The given index is invalid.

    • 3a1. Academy Directory shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Edit a student


  1. User requests to list students
  2. Academy Directory shows a list of students
  3. User requests to edit a specific student in the list
  4. Academy Directory edits the student

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The given index is invalid.

    • 3a1. Academy Directory shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Update Studio attendance of student


  1. User requests to list students attending the relevant Studio session
  2. Academy Directory shows a list of students attending the relevant Studio session
  3. User requests to update the attendance of the student in the relevant Studio session
  4. Academy Directory updates the student’s attendance for the relevant Studio session

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The given index for the Studio group is invalid.

    • 1a1. Academy Directory shows an error message. Use case resumes at step 1.
  • 1b. The given index for the Studio group’s Studio session is invalid.

    • 1b1. Academy Directory shows an error message. Use case resumes at step 1.
  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The given keyword to search for the student is gives no result.

    • 3a1. Academy Directory shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Update Studio participation of student


  1. User requests to list students attending the relevant Studio session
  2. Academy Directory shows a list of students attending the relevant Studio session
  3. User requests to update the Studio participation of the student in the relevant Studio session with the appropriate Studio participation score
  4. Academy Directory updates the student’s Studio participation for the relevant Studio session

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The given index for the Studio group is invalid.

    • 1a1. Academy Directory shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1b. The given index for the Studio group’s Studio session is invalid.

    • 1b1. Academy Directory shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The given keyword to search for the student is gives no result.

    • 3a1. Academy Directory shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

  • 3b. The given Studio participation score is invalid (non-integer).

    • 3b1. Academy Directory shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Add student’s grade for an assessment


  1. User enters a command to add the grade for an assessment to a student.
  2. Academy Directory checks for existing instance of the assessment.
  3. Academy Directory records the input grade for the assessment.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The student’s name does not match any of the names in the directory.

    • 1a1. Academy Directory shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1b. The input grade is not a non-negative integer.

    • 1b1. Academy Directory requests for user to enter a non-negative integer.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2a. The assessment already exists.

    • 2a1. Academy Directory edits the grade for the existing assessment.

      Use case ends.

  • 2b. The assessment is new.

    • 2b1. Academy Directory adds a new assessment with the input grade.

      Use case ends.

Use case: Show grades for an assessment


  1. User enters a command to display the grades for an assessment.
  2. Academy Directory parses through the students to obtain the grades.
  3. Academy Directory displays a list of students with the grades.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The assessment does not exist.

    • 1a1. Academy Directory shows an error message.
    • 1a2. Academy Directory requests for the user to try another assessment.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: Get personal detail


  1. User enters a command to get personal detail
  2. Academy Directory obtains the queried personal detail from the students.
  3. Academy Directory displays the list of personal detail queried.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User provides keywords to be matched to students’ names.

    • 1a1. Academy Directory displays the queried information associated with the students whose name matches the queried keyword.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. User’s queried personal detail is not supported

    • 1b1. Academy Directory shows an error message.
    • 1b2. Academy Directory requests for the user to try another information.

      Use case ends.

Use case: View student information


  1. User enter a command to view all information of one student by index
  2. Academy Directory fetches all related data of one student
  3. Academy Directory displays all information to users.


  • 1a. Users request information of a student whose index exceeds the student list size
    • 1a1. Academy Directory informs users that the index is invalid via an error message

      Use case resumes at step 1

  • 1b. The index number is invalid (not a positive integer)
    • 1b1. Academy Directory informs users that the index is invalid and must be a positive integer for the command to be executed

      Use case resumes at step 1

Use case: Undo changes to data


  1. User enters a command to undo a data state change
  2. Academy Directory regenerates the corresponding data file
  3. Academy Directory reloads information with the regenerated data file
  4. Academy Directory displays information to user.


  • 1a. There no changes to data state to be undone
    • 1a1. Academy Directory informs users to check that there is a change to be undone via an error message

      Use case ends

  • 2a. Unable to regenerate data file due to folder permission issues
    • 2a1. Academy Directory informs users to check for read/write permission of the data folder via an error message

      Use case ends

  • 3a. Unable to reload internal data due to corruption of regenerated data file
    • 3a1. Academy Directory informs users to check for corrupted file via an error message

      Use case ends

Use case: Redo changes to data


  1. User enters a command to redo a data state change
  2. Academy Directory regenerates the corresponding data file
  3. Academy Directory reloads information with the regenerated data file
  4. Academy Directory displays information to user.


  • 1a. There no changes to data state to be redone
    • 1a1. Academy Directory informs users to check that there is a change to be redone via an error message

      Use case ends

  • 2a. Unable to regenerate data file due to folder permission issues
    • 2a1. Academy Directory informs users to check for read/write permission of the data folder via an error message

      Use case ends

  • 3a. Unable to reload internal data due to corruption of regenerated data file
    • 3a1. Academy Directory informs users to check for corrupted file via an error message

      Use case ends

Use case: View Commit History


  1. User enters a command to view commit history
  2. Academy Directory displays commit history to user.


  • 1a. Unable to load file from disk due to folder permission issues
    • 1a1. Academy Directory informs users to check for read/write permission of the version control folder via an error message

      Use case ends

  • 1b. Unable to reload internal data due to corruption of regenerated data file
    • 1b1. Academy Directory informs users to check for corrupted file via an error message

      Use case ends

Use case: Revert Commit


  1. User views commit history
  2. Academy Directory displays commit history to user.
  3. User picks a commit hash that is not the current commit to revert to
  4. Academy Directory regenerates the corresponding data file
  5. Academy Directory reloads information with the regenerated data file
  6. Academy Directory displays information to user.


  • 3a. User picks a commit hash that corresponds to the current commit
    • 3a1. Academy Directory informs users to check commit hash via an error message

      Use case ends

  • 3b. User picks an invalid commit hash
    • 3b1. Academy Directory informs users to check commit hash via an error message

      Use case ends

  • 4a. Unable to regenerate data file due to folder permission issues
    • 4a1. Academy Directory informs users to check for read/write permission of the data folder via an error message

      Use case ends

  • 5a. Unable to reload internal data due to corruption of regenerated data file
    • 5a1. Academy Directory informs users to check for corrupted file via an error message

      Use case ends

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 3000 student without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  3. A user with above-average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  4. Should work in computer with 32-bit or 64-bit processor.
  5. User data should be in human editable file and stored locally.
  6. Should run on user computer with double-click - no installer or additional libraries required.
  7. Should not require internet connection for any of its feature.
  8. All user and app data should be stored locally, not through an online database solution.
  9. Logs and previous commits stored should be based on the Principle of Least-Privilege.
  10. Logs and previous commits should be recoverable even when Academy Directory itself is deleted.
  11. Logs and previous commits should be transferable and functional after transfer onto other computers.
  12. Users should be able to undo up to at least 100 commands.
  13. Software default file size should not exceed 50 Megabytes.
  14. Most commands should take preferrably 1 second to be executed, and at most 3-4 seconds.


Term Definition Comments
Operating System (OS) Software that manages computer hardware and other computer software.  
Mainstream OS Examples of mainstream OS includes: Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X, MacOS, etc.  
Personal Detail A contact detail of a student Phone number, Telegram handle, and email address
CS1101S An introductory Computer Science module for year 1 students in the the National University of Singapore.  
Studios Tutorials held in CS1101S and are essential in aiding the students to improve their grasp on the concepts taught during the lecture. < 10 students in a studio
Avengers A special term to call a CS1101S tutor. An avenger organizes a Studio session to improve on CS1101S concepts taught in lecture, recording attendance and grades. An avenger holds at most one class.
Principle of Least-Privilege Minimum levels of access – or permissions – needed to perform function.  
Command Line Interface (CLI) A text-based user interface, where users instruct the computer to do something by line-of-text commands  
Graphical User Interface (GUI) A graphics-based user interface, where users instruct the computer to do something by interacting with graphical elements  
Java A program that allows running other programs written in Java programming language.  
Command An interface representing an instruction typed by a user to Academy Directory.  
Version controlled Command a Command that logs a commit message, and thus stages at least one VcObject object upon execution. Refer to the list of such commands here
Command Box A part of the Academy Directory’s GUI which can be used by users to type commands.  
Field Additional information that can be provided to a command for correct command execution. May or may not have an associated prefix
Parameter Part of the command which provides additional information provided by the user. Actual values for the fields
Prefix An abbreviation of a field. Always ends with a backslash (‘/’)
Singular Commands A command that consists of only one word and no other arguments If there are any other character/words following a singular command, an error message will be shown

Appendix B: Instructions for manual testing

Manual testing was conducted internally by the team as of the time of writing.

The details of the testing procedure can be found here: Manual Testing

:information_source: Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are encouraged to do more exploratory testing.

In the future, we aim to expand testing to be done by external testers to improve the testing rigour.

Appendix C: Version Controlled Commands

The following list is a list of commands that are version controlled i.e. they can be undone and redone using the UndoCommand and the RedoCommand command. Furthermore, the use of these commands will be reflected in the commit history, using the HistoryCommand. More concretely, these commands stages VcObject/s that will be saved to disk, thus facilitating VersionControl

Commands not shown in the above list will not appear in the commit history, and thus cannot be reverted to and / or be undone or redone.

Appendix D: Effort

If the effort required to create AB3 is 10, we would place the effort level required to implement the current version of Academy Directory at 15.

Our team has put in a significant amount of effort to get Academy Directory to the current version. Below, we list some notable changes overall and notable features implemented by us.

Notable Changes in General

  1. Morphed existing AB3 to align with our design for Academy Directory

    We have put in a significant amount of effort morphing the existing code base, AB3 to support the need of our application, which is designed for CS1101S avenger to be more effective and efficient.

    Firstly, we had to create new classes for components related to our application, such as . Each of these classes has different input format requirements and is related to different command. Many commands and features we have implemented are not

    Secondly, we had to remove all the irrelevant classes and update the existing test cases to fit our need.

    Lastly, we had to integrate all these new classes with the existing code to save applications data to a file in Academy Directory. This required major refactoring of existing classes to support multiple new fields and commands.

  2. Redesigned GUI Compared to AB3, Academy Directory completely revamps the User Interface to bring out the best usage experiences to users. In that regard, we have updated Academy and make everything about it space-themed, allowing users the various options (primarily CLI, but GUI is also offered) to interact with our system, and reorganize the appearance to make Academy Directory look more neat and stylish, thus enhancing user’s experience. One of the most notable change to UI was the differentiation of result display into two categories - status message and result visualized.

Notable Features

Some notable features that we have designed specifically for the Avengers include the ability to record and track students’ studio attendance, studio participation, and grades. These tools are tailored to fit the module requirements, and they complement the Avengers in tracking their students’ progress.

To improve user experience, we implemented several new features that will aid Avengers in their weekly tutoring work, such as Show, Sort, Visualize, a set of version control tools (Undo, Redo, History, Revert), and a more comprehensive help command. The data visualization tools allow Avengers to perform better analysis, and customize their teaching to maximize their students’ learning experience. With the version control tools, Academy Directory is much more forgiving and this allows Avengers to feel more confident and at ease while using our product. The new Help command makes new users more comfortable to learn Academy Directory.

The implementation details and design considerations for these features could be found in Implementation section and the Design section respectively.